My gas tank took a slam the night before so i painted black at 4 am the day of the show. I'll post better pics later.

Max's VL pan was as smooth as they come. Bad picture, killer bike....i hear it may be for sale???

Kosuke of Sunrise Cycles dual front headed pan was so bitchin, one of my top picks for the show.

Dave Polgreens knuckle was a show stopper, so many cool little tricks. And what a nice dude, it was a pleasure meeting you man.
This year was a mind blower. The location, the amount of bikes, the
caliber of bikes, the positive vibes it all added up to an amazing day.
And there were so many people from all over place, it was rad to
finally put faces to names. I usually freak out in situations like this
but I don't think I've ever been so social in my life. The Invited Builders
circle was on a whole other level. Every bike was insane yet completely
different from each other. It was an honor just being able to participate
with these guys and when they called my name for third place in the
Builders Choice award for my Knucklehead, I was blown away. It made
the last 2 months of sleepless nights worth every minute. Thanks to every
person who looked past my primer paint and took a second look at my
bike, all the fellow Builders who just keep killing it, and a big thanks to
Mike and Grant for putting on a hell of a show.....................