Old photo albums from swapmeets have a tendency to yield some serious gold. This is one of those instances. That guy and those boobs.....unbeatable combination. And what better way to piss your old lady off than by hanging one of these above the mantle.
Nick hand screened 36 of these on 100lb cover stock, 24"x18"....limited run check em out in the store.
Theres very few things in life that stop me dead in my tracks. I'm talking about the stop whatever it is you're doing and ignore whoever you're talking to kind of "stop".
The Chain by Fleetwood Mac is one of those things.
The entire song is amazing but the last minute and a half is to me, one of the most powerful sounds I have ever heard. To this day, I get chills everytime I hear John Mcvie's bass kick in around that 3 minute mark...time just stops.
Theres one thing I've always been into and thats old 4X4's. Not the new Superduty disco trucks you see driving around town that never leave the pavement but the classics like early Bronco's, Scouts and Jeeps. Another thing I've been into is rockcrawling which to most sounds pretty lame but in reality is one of the most intense things to witness in person. It almost seems impossible some of the things these guys can do with a car.
Today I went to the King of the Hammers race in Johnson Valley and managed to take a couple pics before my camera died. The whole idea started in 2006, its a new style of racing combining rockcrawling and open desert racing in one event. If you ever get a chance to go, do it. People just beating the living shit out of their trucks. So much insane just stuff driving around too, it feels like you're in a Mad Max movie.
Very slow progress on my fictional, top secret Triumph 500 drag bike project. Just when I thought I had a game plan, I come across this Judson supercharger.
So now I guess I'm gonna stall this project out a little longer while I figure out how to make this a blown, reversed-head grenade that will never leave my garage.
Theres one word that comes to most peoples mind when they hear the name Max Schaaf ... ...style.
Some got it, some don't. He's got a garage full of it. One of those guys with the golden touch, whether its choppers or skateboarding. i'm proud to call him my friend.