I know everyone that knows me thinks I am all about boner jokes and pretending that I am some tough guy. The truth is I am a softy. I think that's why Jason and I are such good pals. When we aren't guessing how big the kings of the chopper scenes wieners are we are spilling our guts about the stuff that really matters. We are alway on the verge of tears in his garage. Family is a big deal to both of us. This post is more personally pertaining to me but it all relates to how i think both of us feel about our dads.
Just over 3 years ago my pop had a severe stroke. I still remember the night I got the call. I just got back to my shop at 3:30 in the morning and I could barely keep my eyes open. My head hits the pillow and my phone just starts ringing. I pick it up and its my little sister crying telling me I need to head down to the hospital. He had emergency brain surgery that night. For the next few months he was in intensive care. He was in rough shape. He moved to and assisted living home when he was was finally stable enough. Constantly in and out of the hospital because of the negligent care he was being provided. My mom would spend every free moment with him. Wake up visit him, work and then back to hang out with him till he fell asleep. I know they always loved each other but until then I am not sure if I truly understood true love. You can see it in their eyes. My mom is a pretty strong and incredible lady. Now he is in a great facility. My mom bought a used handicap van and brings him home regularly to hang out there and he even gets to spend the night in his own bed sometimes.
Life is crazy. You never know what sort of curveball is going to be thrown at you. The first time I ever rode a motorcycle was up and down the street in front of my parents house on my dad's Hodaka Combat Wombat, that he had since before my folks got married. I have a lot of fond memories with my dad as from when i went with him in his truck to mow lawns for a few bucks on a saturday to when I was sixteen thinking i was a bad ass and i tried to fist fight him. He whooped my ass!!!
It's hard seeing someone you spent your whole childhood admiring being so defenseless and at the mercy of others. But I am glad he is still around and i got to spend the evening with him last night while my mom was out of town.

This photo was possibly taken the night i was conceived.

Took this of my dad last night after he had dinner.