Cop#1: bikes a little loud don't you think?
Me: nope.
Cop#2: are you in a gang?
Me: nope.
Cop#1: license, registration and proof of insurance.
Me: i don't have anything, it fell out of my pouch.
Cop#1: have a seat on the curb......
I guess the Orange PD has nothing better to do on a Saturday night because it took 5 police cars to surround me and 6 officers to keep an eye on me. And as we're sitting there, dozens of MC looking guys ride by on bikes way louder than mine and they just stand there and watch them go by and one cop has the audacity to say "if you were a little smarter you woulda let those guys go first hahahaa"....really? fuck you.
I'm not going to go on a police rant because I personally know some good guys out there but man, all it takes is one asshole to change your view on all of them.
So now instead of riding today, I have to try and get my bike out of impound.
Bad way to end a good day.