Saturday, March 11, 2023

Getting some Z’s…

 A buddy hit me up about some Z bars I made a while back to see if I could make him a set. So I dug out my old jig and figured I might as well make a few sets while I’m at it.

Monday, February 20, 2023

Well shit, it’s been 8 years since I last posted on here. A lot has transpired in my life since, built some bikes,  traveled the world, then kinda took a break from it all. Never in my life did I ever think anything would ever come from me dicking around in the garage but in doing so, I met so many rad people and was afforded so many opportunities, some of which I took, some of which I didn’t. Ultimately, as little as this all was to the world, it was all just too big for me to juggle with my ever growing family so I changed the channel. The mental vacation I’ve  been on the last few years has allowed me to take a step back and reevaluate my life, my love and my priorities. Part of that journey inspired us to get up and leave Southern California, the only place we’ve ever called home and landed us in Tennessee, in search of a little more space to stretch our legs and room for these kids to grow. This move has also landed me a little closer to my friends a little south of us in Alabama, The Haints.  It only seems fitting that my first return post here picks up after the last post I made here 8 years ago with a little overnight backpacker I took with the Birmingham boys a couple weeks ago. Didn’t take many pics or anything but it sure was a nice little hang to break me in as a new resident of the south. Think I’m gonna like it down here.